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Prawn Hats

If you eat a live frog in the morning, nothing worse will happen to either of you for the rest of the day

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Location: San Jose, California, United States

I'm a Westerner.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

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I had only one peanut butter & jelly today, as we ran out of bread The PB had a hard bit in it, bigger than all previous hard bits I've found in my PB, I was able to inspect it, it was black. It looked like lava.


It's not inconceivable that I would chip a tooth on this...

Perhaps I need to find alternative PB. Of course, the PB we buy is not cheap, I think it's 'free range' PB.

Also, pineapple. Very, very nice pineapple. Sweet, and of good texture.

Lunch was my 'new', 'standard' lunch, seeded baguette stuffed with aged swiss cheese. I select swiss cheese, once I discovered that it's salt content is much less than other cheeses. Why is this? Why should it be the case? I do not know.

I also ate an orange about this time. The same ones as before, very juicy, you're sure to make a mess, and *passably* sweet. There are still apples left at work, tomorrow will have to be an apple day.

My evening meal was more of the sausages from York, it's kind of funny, there are two kinds, we always get the two kinds, but then we never know which is which. "Here eat another sausage, no I don't know what kind it is"

Ha ha ha ha hha hahhahah hah a

Anyway, along with the sausages was, um, mashed potatoes (in Espanol: el potato smasho), and peas. Ah, peas.

Now, after dinner, all control is lost, I eat Green & Black choco squares, plus some Teddy cookies, eat, eat, eat, Life's Been Good To Me So Far

Tomorrow is Friday, gym day, hopefully my shoulder won't be a bother