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Prawn Hats

If you eat a live frog in the morning, nothing worse will happen to either of you for the rest of the day

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Location: San Jose, California, United States

I'm a Westerner.

Friday, September 30, 2005


It being Friday, I had my normal Friday 9AM meeting. Such a hardship! Such a burden! 9AM, are you KIDDING? Bah!

So, it was 10AM before I had a chance to start my day, er, I mean start my sandwich, as if I could tell the difference between a sandwich and a day. My bread lasted all week, because the Kosherie was 'all out' of the small loaves of granary last Sunday, so I bought the big loaf, which retails for more than a pound (picture: silver-haired Bob Barker "manufactureres suggested retail price of.... one pound and eighteen pence! Fiona you're the next contestent...")

I enjoyed my sandwiches, oh wait, I was going to say- I usually buy the smaller loaf, but then I run out of bread by Wednesday or Thursday, so now I complain that I had to buy the big loaf, and it lasts the whole week. What is my problem? Another example of my close-mindedness biting me on the nose.

I brought to work a second bunch of bananas this week, that's new, I usually bring in the one bunch, but I finished them early this time, so it was a two bunch week. But then, I only ate one from the second bunch.

Lunch was some leftover Irish cheese, which I like because of the salty crunchy granuals that always form on the surface, the packaging says they're lactose crystals or some such nonsense, I think they bits of crunchy delight! But then I started to worry if I was eating too much cheese, that I might have a problem later, if you know what I mean and I think you do, so it was with great pleasure that I found... carrot sticks in my lunch bag! Woo-hoo!

I also enjoyed three gala apples from M&S, especially enjoyable because of their organicness.

Dinner was leftover lasagna... I enjoyed it... then chocolate chimp ice cream.

I can't think of anything else to write, I guess I'm boring tonight.

Good bye.


Blogger ipodmomma said...

you're not boring!!!

you are my price is right moment... :)))

love, m

10/01/2005 8:14 AM  
Blogger Teddy said...

Ooh, I like chocolate chip ice cream. Is your shoulder better?

10/05/2005 10:47 AM  
Blogger mumtotwo said...

icihicpcl my all time fave!!!!

10/05/2005 8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say

12/19/2005 10:30 PM  
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1/29/2017 2:41 PM  
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كما أن سباك بالمدينة المنورة يعتمد في عمله على استخدام المعدات الحديثة والمتطورة التي تساعد في حل مشكلة السباكة مهما كانت صعوبتها فهو دائماً يتميز عن الآخرين بالجهد الذي يبذله في أعمال السباكة.

1/09/2019 5:45 PM  
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فعند التواصل معنا يتم ارسال فني مسئول عن تحديد المشكلة والعمل على تحديد ما يحتاجه المكان، ومن ثم يتم الاستعانة كهربائي جدة على الفور، كما لدينا كافة القطع وأدوات الغيار التي من الممكن احتياجها، وذلك لتوفير الوقت والمجهود على العميل، كما نعمل على تقديم أفضل العروض والتخفيضات التي تجعل العديد من العملاء يتهافتون للتعامل معنا والتمتع بخدماتنا المميزة.

1/09/2019 5:59 PM  
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10/11/2021 4:43 AM  

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